Brighton and Hove City Council


Housing & New Homes Committee      Agenda Item 21 (b)  



Subject:                    Member Questions


Date of Meeting:     20 September 2023



Councillor McLeay Questions to Chair of Housing Committee


  1. Theobald House needs attention. Ahead of the May election I was led to understand that there is major investment capital proposed for the block’s improvements this year. Is there a plan in place for when these major works will start, and if so, what will be involved, how will residents be involved and how will that apply to residents wanting a playground? 
  2. As evictions are a major contributing factor to homelessness, we should strive to keep a closer eye on the numbers and trend indicators. Can there be a report on evictions in emergency accommodation to a future Housing & New Homes Committee, within the next 6 months? 
  3. What rent collection rate is budgeted for 23-24 from council tenants and how much rent is this? What were the actual collection rates for 2022-23 and 21-22? 
  4. When will the annual report for 22/23 of the homeless reduction board and homeless reduction operational board be presented to housing committee? Given the abolition of the homeless reduction board which was a key part of the homelessness and rough sleeping strategy agreed in June 2020, will it be revied and rewritten to reflect this? 



Councillor McLeay